
Kerry-Jane Lowery is a photographer with a diverse range of experiences that make her a unique and multifaceted artist. She is a compelling multilingual communicator, an excellent writer and editor, a humanitarian anthropologist with extensive field experience, a creative and original mind, a published author, and an aesthete. Her passion for storytelling and her love for discovering new cultures have led her on many journeys, both personal and professional.

As an anthropologist and communicator, Kerry-Jane has spent her career working with people, communities, and cultural differences across the globe. She has lived and worked in many conflict areas and is passionate about promoting a more tolerant and informed view of “difference” and “the other.” She is committed to finding common ground across cultures and exploring the worldviews we hold as individuals and communities.

Kerry-Jane’s extensive research and fieldwork experience are among her strengths. She has an exceptional ability to explain complex ideas in a simple, consistent narrative style, from particle physics to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. She has also written policy and contributed to policy-making, with very positive results, especially in the Balkans. Her approach and writing are evocative and compelling, drawing in the reader and contributing to the debate.

Alongside her work as an anthropologist and communicator, Kerry-Jane has also written a book for CERN about particle physics, titled “Exploring the Mystery of Matter,” published by Papadakis. She has been the managing director of a small independent publishing house, Urbane Publications, specializing in fiction, business books, and memoirs, the editorial manager of a powersports e-magazine, and the commissioning editor of a glossy Swiss magazine for high-end hotels.

As a photographer, Kerry-Jane brings all of her skills and experiences to her work, creating stunning visual narratives that tell stories about the world and its people. Her work is deeply humanistic, capturing the beauty and complexity of human experience across cultures and borders. Kerry-Jane’s photography is a reflection of her passion for storytelling and her commitment to exploring the world around us, and it is sure to captivate and inspire viewers.